Posted by: Bod Ato Updated at : 1:26 AM
Today we speak of a specific loan for specific funding, as it is this credit enrollment of Bancaja, which we don't currently know if...
Today we speak of a specific loan for specific funding, as it is this credit enrollment of Bancaja, which we don't currently know if's going it to happen to also commercialize Bankia as a product of its unique brand. As it is understood of its trade name, it is a product specifically aimed at students who are finishing their university studies, and for them Bancaja offers its tuition credit to fund such studies.
Vien to be a loan that has a cap of 2,000 euros and its deadline for repayment of the debt of 12 months (1 year). In terms of the interest rate that the entity has marked for this product, has set to be fixed-rate, but referenced Euro 1 year your calculation.
On the issue of commissions, that of opening is the 1.50% (minimum of 120 euros), and 1.5% in the event of cancellation or early repayment. The only documentation required to process the credit is the proof of income or otherwise, contributions guarantors.
Included within this product of the commitments which Bancaja tano speaks this entity. It seems to us a specific product for this tuipo of financing and competitive conditions in the market.
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Title : Specific Loan for Specific Funding
Description : Today we speak of a specific loan for specific funding, as it is this credit enrollment of Bancaja, which we don't currently know if...
Description : Today we speak of a specific loan for specific funding, as it is this credit enrollment of Bancaja, which we don't currently know if...